Friday, April 16, 2004


How I know that I really need to get some more sleep:

  • While trying to fall asleep two nights ago realized that I had not done my taxes yet. That pretty much ruined me for the rest of the night.
  • Drove to three different post offices yesterday evening before I found one that was open past 8:30pm (okay, that doesn't prove that I was too tired, just that my town sucks)
  • Put sugar in the coffee pot, instead of in my mug
  • Tried to retreive my freshly-toasted bagel from the microwave
  • Put the box of cereal into the fridge

    Good karma points gained:

  • Bought some stamps for a stranger last night at the post office

  • Monday, April 12, 2004


    Seem to have picked up a cold from somewhere. Or at least that's what the kleenex shoved up my nose is telling me.

    Run down of the past couple weeks:

    • Cats peed on the bed. Twice. They almost ended up as furry houseslippers, but I resisted the impulse to skin them.
    • Did a lot of laundry (see above note)
    • Went on a few dates with Ken (hi!). (Hellboy rocks!)
    • Cooked dinner for Ben (who doesn't read blogs, so no "hi" for him).
    • Decided I'm apparently only going on dates with guys whose names rhyme with mine (sorry Shea)
    • Apologized to Kathleen for flirting with her husband so much (apparently she doesn't share)
    • Apologized to Shea *and* Kathleen for making bad jokes about flirting in this blog (he blushes waaaay too easily)
    • Currently temping at a local company that scores educational tests. I am personally ruining the lives of 5th-9th graders from Ohio


    • Found out my best friend is dying