Thursday, July 28, 2005

Damn it, I just bought a new bag!

I love these new items from CafePress. I may just get a t-shirt. Or perhaps the "I consent" underwear. Heh. Who knows? I've been carrying a "I do not consent" card in my wallet since 1999, but maybe I need to start being a bit more blatant, especially if they start implementing bag-searches on the Chicago El.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Fourth of July

Originally uploaded by yanajenn.

Pics from Shea and Kathleen's annual 4th party are now up on my Flickr account. Just look for the photos tagged "fourthofjuly"

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Very young librarian

Me and my sis
Originally uploaded by yanajenn.

My earliest attempt at Reader's Advisory, with my little sister.

It is strange to look back and realize that I was already eading towards a career. Too bad it took me until my mid-twenties to figure it out for myself!

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Just in time for Pennsic. Which I can't make it to this year. Sigh.

Anyone need to build a yurt? Maybe I'll build one for Shea and Kathleens' annual 4th of July Barbecue. More space in case of rain.

Ye olde hedgehoge

The Aberdeen Bestiary is now available online, in its entirety. Wow!
Brandy will be amused that Numo has a so-far unused abilty to transport fruit and that he "creaks like a cart" in order to fool people into thinking he's a, well, a wheel, I guess. Hmm. Most of us think he sounds like a coffee percolator.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Hummer Nest

Here's a photo essay of a hummingbird's nest over a month's time as eggs are laid, babies are hatched and leave the nest. A bit cutesy, but very neat glimpse of something that most people will never see.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Eh. Why the hell not?

Take the MIT Weblog Survey

Like the link says...