Happy Halloween!
To celebrate:
Going to see Saw III tonight with Shea and possibly Tom. Apparently I am the only one in our group that possesses both estrogen and a strong stomach. Dinner before or after the show?
I am wearing spider web earrings and a rubber spider. Must remember not to go anywhere near Kathleen.
Listening to SomaFM's "Doomed: Dark music for tortured souls" channel.
Prepared myself for the zombie hordes by listening to "When zombies attack" and also reminisced a little about World War Z.
Have to remember to watch Wicker Man tonight (the 1973 version, not the awful 2006 one), as it has become my annual thing. Burn baby, burn!
Hopefully all the above will make up for my being lame and missing the GSLIS Halloween party this past weekend. Isn't it ironic that the costumer (me) never has a costume for herself? Kind of like the saying about the cobbler's children having no shoes.