Awww, man....
I'm nowhere near ready to start looking for a job, but damn, this one looks potentially fun:
College Librarian - Culinary Arts
The Cooking and Hospitality Institute of Chicago (CHIC)
My very own online attention/gratification/therapy outlet
I'm nowhere near ready to start looking for a job, but damn, this one looks potentially fun:
College Librarian - Culinary Arts
The Cooking and Hospitality Institute of Chicago (CHIC)
Posted by Jenn at 2/22/2007 09:49:00 PM 1 comments
Finally! Someone (Susie Bright, to be exact) has pointed out that "most librarians are not tight-lipped prudes, they're courageous front-liners on First Amendment issues." Thank you!
In case you haven't been following the story, a librarian at the Sunnyside Elementary School in Durango, Colorado complained that the book "The higher power of Lucky," which contains the word "scrotum" on its first page, wasn't suitable for children and banned it from her library (other school librarians did the same, she's just the one who is foremost in the article). I do wonder if these particular librarians have actual MS degrees in Library Science or are just over-worked teachers who got thrown into running their school's library. It could go both ways; there are plenty of people in my library science program that make me really wonder why they chose to be librarians and whether or not I'd trust them to do a thorough job of collection development. Anyway.
All this, of course, made me try to remember what "pet words" my family came up with for our genitalia. If I remember correctly, a vagina (well, a vulva, actually, but that's a whole 'nother post) was a "boochie" and a penis was a "pee pee." No, I have no idea where that particular vaginal-nomer came from. It sounds like some type of cookie. Not to say that lady parts can't be tasty items.
I'll spare you the interminable list of alternative genitalia names that I've encountered (I worked with kids for many, many years), but I'm wondering; what names did *your* family use? Or were they less shy than mine and actually used the real names?
Posted by Jenn at 2/22/2007 06:35:00 PM 3 comments
Labels: bodies, censorship, librarians
It is days like this when it really sucks to live on the other side of town, away from all my friends. I live in on the far side of Urbana and most everyone else is in Champaign. Too far to walk and there's no way I'm driving right now. Sigh. No one visits, no one calls...poor lonely me.
Okay, enough of that. That's just depressing.
My neighbors are currently making a mess by spinning their tires on the snow and packing everything down so that nothing will melt until May. At least they haven't hit my car. Yet. No one here knows how to drive in snow. And now they've ruined the prettiness that was in front of my place by driving on it. The nerve.
But I got my taxes done and I'm getting a nice refund. I hope I filled out everything correctly; being a student is really weird when it comes to taxes. Now on to the FAFSA to see if I can attend school for another year.
Posted by Jenn at 2/14/2007 12:37:00 PM 0 comments
Aaand...the University is going to be closed tomorrow. Wow. I don't think that's ever happened before. And yes, it is really nasty out. Even this Nebraskan is impressed. I'll take some pics tomorrow. Oh, and my front door, which faces North, unfortunately, leaks badly and gives a really high whistle when the wind blows right. I am seriously considering nailing a rug to hang down over it to keep out the draft.
I have plenty of OJ, oatmeal, and coffee, and a full pantry of dry goods, plus I made bread and boiled some eggs today, so tomorrow's lunch will be yummy egg salad sandwiches and soup. I think that tonight's dinner is just going to be popcorn, though. I already cooked enough today.
I think the catch-up-on-homework gods are smiling upon me. As long as the wireless Internet gods keep a big grin on their faces, I might actually get on top of things. Speaking of procrastination, you may enjoy the following video.
Ze Frank: Pro-Cra
As someone who didn't complete her Museum Informatics class partly because of the lure of learning new technology rather than using what was already in her brain, I can really relate. Back to watching Nova (it's about our cousin-apes, bonobos, which is hilariously appropriate for just before Valentine's day) and pushing papers around on my desk.
Posted by Jenn at 2/13/2007 07:06:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: food, procrastination, school, snow, weather
The University Library is closed today due to the weather. Actually, the entire University has closed. It's as if the Universe is closed. We never close! At least, we haven't since 1979 or so. All classes are canceled.
Honestly, it doesn't look all that bad out. But that's the Nebraskan in me talking, plus I was planning on staying home today anyway. I guess everyone who was at the grocery store last night had the right idea. Hey, at least it isn't nearly 12 FEET of snow!
Whenever we get a big snow, I am reminded of the Little House on the Prairie books, especially the one where Pa almost gets lost going between the barn and the house, but is saved by the rope tied between the two. Here's hoping everyone has enough rope. Which is a really strange thing to wish anyone.
Posted by Jenn at 2/13/2007 10:06:00 AM 2 comments
From Overheard in New York:
Thug teen: I wanna take out this fuckin' book.
Librarian: Okay, well, go to the check-out desk.
Thug teen: I got to go to the other fuckin' desk, mothafuckah?
Librarian: Yeah, motherfucker. The other fuckin' desk.
--Brooklyn Library
Posted by Jenn at 2/12/2007 12:59:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: humor, librarians, libraries
In no particular order, this week I:
Posted by Jenn at 2/12/2007 12:54:00 PM 1 comments
This is sooo much better than a plastic putty-colored case. If I only had more time...and knew how to do this type of metal and glass work.
Steampunk PC case
Mustn'! The PC needs a memory upgrade much more than it needs a prettiness upgrade.
Damn it. Now I want to watch Firefly episodes. Back to homework.
Via Brassgoggles.
Posted by Jenn at 2/11/2007 02:46:00 PM 0 comments
I told my first story to my Storytelling class last night. I kicked ass.
I actually got gasps and satisfied "aha" sounds at the ending, which still makes me do a little pleased wiggle when I think about it. The instructor said that I really "owned the story."
Okay, mustn't let head get too swelled. One bit of constructive criticism that I got (from a former theater student) was that I might want to stand a bit more solidly, especially considering my body type. Apparently, I was standing in third position (or first position, which seems unlikely) the entire time. Makes sense. As a bigger person, I tend to be very aware that I'm taking up "extra space" and I tend to hold myself more closed, in order to feel smaller. Something to consider for next time.
Oh, and I really overestimated what the appropriate age group for the story is. It isn't a scary story, but there is a sudden ending and the plot revolves around a horse and death. I've forgotten my little girl past and didn't remember that bad things happening to furry creatures can be a bit much when one is young. And older, but we tend to be able to handle it better.
So, now I need to choose the next story to tell. I think I might sing the next one. I even have two song-stories to choose between; one is funny and one is creepy. I'm going to practice both and decide later since I have a few weeks.
Oh, what story did I tell last night? If you like, I'll tell it to you....
Posted by Jenn at 2/06/2007 07:40:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: proud, school, storytelling
Wow! Tonight is going to be a toasty -5 degrees. That's a whole degree warmer than last night. Spring must be on the way. I'll have to switch out my seasonal wardrobe...
Stupid weather. Why have I lived in the Midwest all my life? Still, it's better than the one Nebraska winter I endured where, with the wind chill, it reached -60 degrees one day. I remember it well because I had to duck into the Goodwill to buy a better scarf. I still have that scarf somewhere.
And the forecast for tomorrow calls for an 80% chance of snow. Hey, as long as it isn't ice, I can handle it.
Off to slide the warmer across the sheets to prepare for bed. I wish.
Posted by Jenn at 2/05/2007 10:04:00 PM 1 comments
From laughing too much, I mean. I know certain people have had enough of pirates for the time being, so they didn't get an email about this find, but I thought other people would appreciate it. From the Metal and Magic gallery, from which I have been snagging desktop images from for the past half-hour:
Arrgh! It be non-girly protection ye be wantin'?
Posted by Jenn at 2/04/2007 12:02:00 PM 2 comments
Okay. I went back and changed one answer. But I knew which one I had gotten wrong, so that proves something, right? Other than the fact that I'm bored and at home alone on a Saturday night, I mean.
Posted by Jenn at 2/03/2007 11:25:00 PM 3 comments
Labels: smarty pants
Well, neither of my cats is a tabby, but I always try for some alliteration.
On Monday I will tell my first of three stories in front of my Storytelling class. I love this class. It's giving me a nice break from my other two classes while feeding my little anthropologist heart. Naturally, I've chosen a Russian folktale. I've been practicing telling it out loud for the past two weeks; in the car, while doing dishes, in the shower. And to my cats. Who are the absolutely worst audience ever.
Misha just looks up for a moment, and then falls back asleep. Is he bored? Or just exhausted from sleeping all day? And Missy talks back constantly. I think she thinks I'm going to feed her. Or she's just very critical of my style. Maybe both.
I think I'm going to have to accost my human friends and make them listen to me. Hopefully they won't be meowing the entire time I'm trying to practice my stories.
Posted by Jenn at 2/03/2007 07:52:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: cats, humor, school, storytelling